Penmanship-Handwriting Without Tears
Literacy, Social Studies, and Science themes come from Pocket of Preschool
Classic Bible stories and songs are read and sung daily
Phonics, Bible, Reading, and Penmanship-Rod and Staff
Poetry, Writing, and Grammar-IEW
Social Studies and Science are taught through Literature and hands-on activities
Classic Bible Stories and songs are read and sung daily
Reading, Phonics, Penmanship, and Grammar: Rod & Staff
Arithmetic: Abeka
History: BJU Press
Science: Purposeful Design
Writing: Institute for Excellence in Writing
Mathematics: Abeka
Veritas Press for all other classes
Mathematics: Abeka
Veritas Press for all other high school classes.
Physical Education:
1st Grade-High School
Physical Education is a time for students to learn about how to care for and control the bodies God has blessed them with. The P.E. classroom uniquely allows students to demonstrate the fruits of the spirit while students participate in team and individual activities.
Preschool-High School
Students receive instruction in elements of music theory appropriate to their grade level such as rhythm, pitch, values of notes, the pentatonic scale, meter, solfege, note reading, treble/bass clef, the orchestra, and the role of music in ballets, plays, and operas.