We accept donations in the form of cash, checks, or cashiers checks.
Cascade View Christian School is a non-profit entity. Donations are tax deductible. We set our fees as low as possible to offer a quality education but keep our school financially accessible to as many families as possible.
We trust God to keep our school solvent in spite of our low rates. Typically, God uses the generous gifts of student families, friends, and businesses in the community to meet our needs and even add some of the “bells and whistles” to make our program outstanding.
To give a gift toward a specific program just mention it in the comment area of your check, otherwise your gift will be used wherever it is most needed. We do provide a year-end receipt for tax purposes.
Thank you for considering donating to Cascade View Christian School.
CVCS appreciates the assistance of our families and friends! Please contact us about volunteer opportunities.
God has given His people many talents and abilities. Some own businesses and many are accomplished in diverse fields. Your specific abilities may be just what a school family or a teacher needs this month.
CVCS Online Store – Click Here
The store is open a couple times a year. If not currently open, check with us for availability. For each item sold, Cascade View Christian School earns $5.00.
See below for current Wish List
At CVCS we strive to keep your tuition costs as low as possible. One of the ways in which we do this is collecting donations for paper products and supplies the whole school will use. Below is a list of products we need for daily use. Anything you can bring in and donate can be stored in our supply closet until we need to use it. If you have questions, please ask Jennifer Evans. Costco also has great deals on some of these items. Thank you!